Chinese Senega (Radix polygalae) root cut (100 g)
Chinese Senega root is used in the treatment of cognitive disorders, memory loss and depression. The herb is recommended by Stephen Buhner for treatment of neurological symptoms of Lyme disease.
Common name:Seneca snakeroot, senega snakeroot, senegaroot, rattlesnake root, and mountain flax.
Chinese Senega Root
Lat. Radix polygalae
Chinese Senega root is used in the treatment of cognitive disorders, memory loss and depression. The herb is recommended by Stephen Buhner for treatment of neurological symptoms of Lyme disease. It is also used for treating respiratory tract inflammation and asthma. Should not be used in case of acute gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal bleeding and early post-operative conditions. Large doses cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Ingredients: Polygala root cut
Net weight: 100 g
Storage: Store at room temperature in a dry place, out of reach of small children.