Healthylife Martin Karov respects your privacy and undertakes to protect it, observing this privacy policy compliant with the REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). We hereby present our privacy policy. By using our Website, you express your consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. The term "Website" means the online store available at, as well as any other website operated by Healthylife Martin Karov
This privacy policy determines types of information and data that we may collect from you and which you can transfer to us when visiting or using our Website, as well as our practices associated with collection, use, storage, protection and disclosure of such information and data.
This privacy policy applies to information and data that we collect:
on the Website or through the Website;
in the form of e-mail correspondence or other electronic correspondence;
when you create an account on the Website;
when you sign up to our newsletters.
Please carefully read our privacy policy and principles and practices included therein related to your information and data, as well as the way we treat them. If you do not express your consent to our principles and practices, you should not use our Website. By visiting or using the Website, you express your consent to this privacy policy.
This privacy policy may be modified from time to time. If you continue to use the Website after we modify it, we will assume that you express your consent to such changes, therefore we advise you to regularly check the Privacy Policy for any updates.
Administrator of data
All personal data provided or collected on this Website are administrated mainly by Healthylife Martin Karov, with registered offices at: ul. Wolności 101, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland
Data collected by Healthylife S.C.
Data about the submitted order: When submitting orders with the Worlvit store we ask you to provide your full name, gender, postal address, phone number, and e-mail address. These data will allow us to process your orders, contact you in the event of any problems with execution of the order, as well as to send the electronic confirmation of the order or the order completion.
Online account: At the time of submitting the order we offer you the possibility to create an online account. If you consent to the above, we will store personal data you provide in the client database. It will allow us to execute future orders faster. Deleting the online account will not result in removal of personal data stored by us. You may access and correct your personal data at any time.
History of transactions: We will keep an electronic register of all orders submitted in the Worldvit store.
Newsletter: Our Newsletter informs subscribers of the latest prices, offers and products. We send it only to the users who agreed to receive it.You may cancel the subscription at any moment, such option is also included in each sent Newsletter; you can also unsubscribe using the form available at our website.
IP address: We register your IP address, from which you visit our Website. It allows us to identify the Internet service provider (ISP) and does not contain any information about you as an individual. We use this information to better understand where our network traffic comes from.
Data of children: Our Website is not intended for use by persons under sixteen (16) years of age, thus we ask younger persons not to provide their personal data via our Website. We do not intentionally collect information and data from children under sixteen (16) years of age without permission of their parents.
Cookies The Website uses cookies, namely small text files sent to the computer of the Internet user identifying him/her in a way necessary to simplify or disable a given operation. Cookies are harmless both for the computer and for its user and his/her data.
The condition for activating cookies is their acceptance through the web browser and not removing them from the hard drive. You may also disable them in browser settings, which may restrict or prevent the use of some parts of the service.
Cookies may contain personal data of the user, although in most cases it will be only his/her e-mail address. These data are available only for the User of a given computer and for our service.
Google Analytics: The Website uses the Google Analytics service to monitor the use of our Website. This service is provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") Google Analytics is based on a cookie mechanism, whereby files are placed in the user's computer to enable the service to analyse how users use it. Using these data - we will be able to improve the usability, architecture and functionality of the Website. Information generated by cookies on the possibility of using the Website by its user (among others, his/her IP address) are transferred to Google and stored on its servers in the United States.
How does Healtylife Martin Karov use your data?
Disclosure of information
Healthylife S.C. will not provide your personal data for marketing purposes to any companies not belonging to Healthylife Martin Karov
Healthylife S.C. provides your personal data to contractors, service providers and other third parties with whom it cooperates and who are obliged, on the basis of signed agreements, to keep personal data confidential or use them only for purposes for which we provide data to them.
How does Healthylife protect your data?
We take measures to protect your personal data against random loss or their browsing, use, modification or disclosure by unauthorised persons. All information and data that we receive from you are stored on safe servers protected by firewalls. By using our Website, you express your consent to the transmission of your personal data to these servers.
Safety of your personal data also depends on you. If you set a password to log in to our Website, you are responsible for keeping it a secret. Please do not share your password with anyone.
Unfortunately, transmission of information via the Internet is not completely safe. Although we do our best in order to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee their safety on our Website. You send any data on your own risk. We do not bear any responsibility for any act of bypassing privacy settings or protections on the Website.
Access to and update of data
You are welcome to access your data and update them at any time.
To become familiar with your personal data, contact us at stating your full name and address (for the purpose of verification).
The customer's withdrawal of the consent to personal data processing
The customer has the right to withdraw his/her permission for the processing of his/her personal data at any time. The consent can be withdrawn by a written expression of the will to withdraw permission for the processing of personal data via electronic mail to:, or by mail to the address: Healthylife Martin Karov. ul. Wolności 101, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland.
The company may store personal data of the customer, despite his/her expression of the will to withdraw the consent to the personal data processing, should circumstances limiting this right occur, such as:
a situation where data processing is necessary for determination, examination or defence of claims.
Time of processing of the customer's personal data
Personal data of the customer will be processed until the consent is withdrawn, and after such withdrawal, for the period of limitation of claims to which the data administrator is entitled or claims against the administrator.
Alterations to this policy
Any changes to this privacy policy will be published on this subpage of our Website.
Contact details
Questions or comments regarding this privacy policy and any related practices may be sent to: