Teasel Root (Dipsacus sylvestris) cut (50g) (Astron)
Teasel root has bacteriostatic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb is used in the treatment symptoms related to pain in the spine, limbs and knees.
Teasel Root
Lat. Dipsacus sylvestris
Teasel root has bacteriostatic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb is used in the treatment symptoms related to pain in the spine, limbs and knees. Is considered that teasel root improves blood circulation and is useful in the process of recovering from chronic diseases.
Zielarnia Astron
Zielarnia Astron is a Polish distributor of quality herbal products. The company operates on the Polish market for over 15 years. The raw materials for its products came for carefully selected suppliers. Many of the herbs in their offer are wild crafted.
Ingredients: Dipsacus sylvestris root cut
Net weight: 50 g
Storage: Store at room temperature in a dry place, out of reach of small children.